
27cfe2af36dbd38eb2509886b10e13cdc12f721a — arthurmelton c34723c7 2 years ago
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title = "Switching to Emacs"
date = "2023-3-17"

I have been a vim user for a long time, using spacevim for most of my time using vim because it has most of what I want. 

Using vim is has been supper nice and minimal because it can run in a terminal and to install spacevim I need to run one command (besides installing vim). I love vim and will still use it. One thing I have always wished for is org mode in vim. The current vim libraries to add org mode to vim is not supper fleshed out or are not maintained anymore.

The main person to make me think about switching was that I was getting back into watching [Tsoding](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrqM0Ym_NbK1fqeQG2VIohg). I was watching how he uses Emacs and I think it would be harder to do the same in vim. I always admired how he could switch to new files, run shell commands, and effect the file system. In Vim you can do this but it requires plugins and maintaining. 

In Emacs I install the default Emacs (give it a actually good color scheme) and that is it, no searching the internet for vim plugins or asking people for there plugins, its all there. I know you can use something like `vim plug` to make the whole process easier but I want something that works. 

Emacs also makes it easy to switch because your favorite vim key binds are in Emacs. 

I was also using vim for all my coding projects and I think it works but once a project gets big enough vim is not a *fantastic* workflow. I think of Emacs as an actual IDE and vim for like smaller projects. I have not gotten supper good at configing Emacs and scripts but I think as I get better at Emacs the scripts will make it much easier to develop.

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title = "About"

# Me

I am a kid from 2006 that likes coding. My favorite language is rust. I
think its just an amazing language, but some other languages I have
used are C++, Assembly, C#, and Node / Js. I am not very good with
Assembly but have done some nasm programming but it was nothing
special. I like C++ and think that C would be a fun language to code
in too. I would not use Node / Js / Deno, for computer programs now but
I will code Js for browsers. C# is one of my least favorite programming
language and it is just the worst to me, I don't like that in C# you 
have a file, then a class, then a function its just so dumb. I love 
rust because I like the rich type system and I think that the compiler
is one of the best things, because it actually understands your code.
I think that rust does have a little bit of bloated binaries but I know
that languages like C# output way bigger for simpler things.

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title = "Home"

# Arthur Melton

If you want to see my code, you can view it on [my git server][git] or
you can view it on [Github (mirror)][github]. Just note that my github
code is just a mirror and that is not where my actual development goes.

[github]: https://github.com/AMTitan
[git]: https://git.arthurmelton.com
[email]: me@arthurmelton.com

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