
952099c4445c2e2c7209eb059c131ddf618b3e32 — Arthur Melton 28e515a9 2 years ago
update readme
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +8 -7
@@ 2,10 2,11 @@

This is a static website generator for my website at 
[arthurmelton.com](https://arthurmelton.com). To use this make a folder caled
`blogs`, `pages`, `static`, and a file called `template.html.hbs`. The blogs
folder is to hold mardown files of all your blogs with a little bit of toml
at the top. Pages can have sub directories and each .md page will be fully
converted into a .html page at the same relitive path. Static is for all your
file that you dont want to change (css, images, etc). `The template.html.hbs`
is a handlebars file with all of your configuration needs. To see an example
look in the `example` folder.
`blogs`, `pages`, `static`, a file called `template.html.hbs`, and a file called
`config.toml`. The blogs folder is to hold mardown files of all your blogs with a
little bit of toml at the top. Pages can have sub directories and each .md page
will be fully converted into a .html page at the same relitive path. Static is 
for all your file that you dont want to change (css, images, etc). 
`The template.html.hbs` is a handlebars file with all of your configuration 
needs. To see an example look in the `example` folder. `config.toml` is a file
for the configuration of your site, look in the `example` folder for a example.