
c0eec6e8384b1cd39b080be38eb22f5816f9e908 — Arthur Melton 749e487d 2 years ago
remove about page
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

D example/pages/about.md
D example/pages/about.md +0 -17
@@ 1,17 0,0 @@

title = "About"

I am a kid from 2006 that likes coding. My favorite language is rust. I
think its just an amazing language, but some other languages I have
used are C++, Assembly, C#, and Node / Js. I am not very good with
Assembly but have done some nasm programming but it was nothing
special. I like C++ and think that C would be a fun language to code
in too. I would not use Node / Js / Deno, for computer programs now but
I will code Js for browsers. C# is one of my least favorite programming
language and it is just the worst to me, I don't like that in C# you 
have a file, then a class, then a function its just so dumb. I love 
rust because I like the rich type system and I think that the compiler
is one of the best things, because it actually understands your code.
I think that rust does have a little bit of bloated binaries but I know
that languages like C# output way bigger for simpler things.